Add Employee  

Access: The following roles are assigned the Employee - Add permission by default: Admin Assistant, Scheduler, House Supervisor, Manager, Director, Director 2, Facility Coordinator, and higher.

Video Learning 

Click the link below to learn more about adding employee profiles in Facility Scheduler.


Adding Employee Profiles in Facility Scheduler   



To add a new employee profile:

  1. On the main navigation bar, go to Employees > Add.   
  2. Alternatively go to Employees > Browse Employees and click Add Employee.
  3. Enter known employee information, such as Name, 3 / 4 ID, and/or EIN.
  4. Click Search.


Add Employee Search Fields


  1. Employee profiles matching the search criteria are listed.
  2. If a listed profile matches your search criteria:
  3. Click View to open the profile. Pro Tip: Right-click on the View link and choose Open in a New Tab.
  4. Edit the profile fields as necessary - i.e. facility, department, start date, etc.
  5. Save changes.


Add Employee Search Results


  1. If no matches are returned, click Add to create a new employee profile.
  2. At a minimum, complete all required fields.
  3. Click Add New to create and save the profile.


Add New Employee Screen




First Name

Employee’s First Name

Last Name

Employee’s Last Name

Facility *

Facility the employee was hired by.


Drop-down List - Department in which the employee was hired (Home Department)

Primary Skill

Drop-down list - Employee’s primary department skill.

Department Skill Level

If you change the Facility or Department, the Skill Level box populates with the employee's current skill level if it is valid for the selected facility and department.

Primary Skill

Employee’s primary skill in the department.

Secondary Skill

Secondary skill is any skill the employee is capable of doing outside of their primary skill.

Employee Type

Core = Full time or Part time,

PRN = Per Requested Need,

WEP = Weekend Plan Staff,

C/L = Contract Labor


Full Time Equivalent - Enter the percent of full time hours the employee is expected for work. 1.0 = 100% of the facility's FTE status - typically 40 hours per pay week or work segment.

Note: An Authorized user can set the FTE Status for a Facility to FTE 1.0 = less than 40 or up to 50 Hours.

Start Date

Employee’s start or hire date.

Overtime Group

Overtime group the employee is assigned to.


Windows Login


To be used for employees who have a Windows Active Directory accounts.

Login Name


This is the unique ID or username, required for everyone except Contract Labor.


Login Domain


Optional and only needed for Active Directory accounts.


Disable Login

Select to disable the employee’s login.




Employee ID Number

Seniority Date

Seniority Date

End Date *

Termination Date

Weekend *

Assign one Rotation for each category. Rotations are facility-defined.

Holiday *

Assign one Rotation for each category. Rotations are facility-defined.

Disaster *

Assign one Rotation for each category. Rotations are facility-defined.

Charge *

Select this check box if an employee is charge or relief charge capable.

Group *

Employees can be assigned to groups based upon shift or as desired to re-prioritize employee names. For example, Manager = 0, Day Charge = 100, Day Relief Charge = 101, Day Staff = 102, Evenings = 200 Series, Nights = 300 Series.

Shift *

Define shift


Enter one or more email addresses.

Address Line 1

Employee Address


Employee City


Employee State


Employee Zip code


Enter up to 4 phone numbers.

Note: The HR Home number is imported from the GHR system and is not editable. 

* New employee records automatically generated from the GHR system do not include these fields, which must be completed by the employee's manager or a designee.


Additional Information

Browse Employees

Searching for an Employee

Viewing the Employee General Info Page

Editing Employee Information



      Facility Scheduler