Commitment Metrics

The Commitment Metric measures how well scheduled hours meet the department's committed hours for each schedule segment.

The Commitment Unit Score is calculated by dividing the total number of missed commitments (occurrences) in the schedule by the number of scheduled employees times the number of schedule segments.


Unit Score = Total # Occurrences / (# Scheduled Employees x # Schedule Segments)



To view Commitment data:

  1. From the Schedule Quality Dashboard, click the Exceptions link to view a list of FTE commitments that were not met or were exceeded during the schedule period.
  2. From the Schedule Quality Dashboard, click Chart to view the Employee's Commitments vs. Scheduled table.
  3. The commitment unit scores display at the top of the page. There is a score that includes all shifts and a score that excludes PRN shifts.
  4. The table lists all scheduled employee's, their FTE commitment and scheduled hours (productive, other productive,  and non-productive) for each schedule segment.
  5. Occurrences are highlighted:
    1. Red - Overtime (exceeding 40 hrs/week)
    2. Yellow - Under commitment



This screenshot shows the Chart view for the Commitments Metric for Department 62436 during the Schedule Period of August 25 to September 21. For each department employee, the chart displays hired FTE Hours (Commitment), all Scheduled Hours (Productive, Other Productive), and Scheduled Non-Productive hours for each Schedule Segment, defined as 2 weeks for this facility.

This chart shows two Schedule Segments that total four weeks; however, if a facility defines a segment as four weeks, the chart will show only one Segment.

Two unit scores are displayed for commitment including All Shifts and Without PRN. The first number is the score at schedule posting and the second is the score for the current schedule. 




Staff not scheduled to FTE commitment.


Overtime occurring (anything over 40 hours in a week.


The asterisk indicates when an employee has hours (Schd Hours and/or Schd Non Prod) scheduled in a department and/or facility other than their home department.






      Facility Scheduler