On this screen, hospital staff can elect to receive one-way, SMS text message alerts when the following actions occur in the Staffing Dashboard:
A new assignment is created
An existing assignment is modified
An assignment is cancelled
Like the scheduling emails sent in Facility Scheduler, the SMS messages are automatically generated and sent when any of the above actions are completed in the Staffing Dashboard. Schedule changes executed in the Department Schedule or Daily Roster will continue utilizing phone calls and email notifications.
By default, staff members are opted-out of receiving SMS messages. You may change your opt-in and notification settings at any time; however you must activate and validate your phone number each time you choose to opt in.
Important Note: Only the employee can change their opt-in or opt-out settings. |
1. Sign in to Facility Scheduler.
2. In the main navigation bar, click Employees > General Info.
3. Click the SMS Consent tab and click Edit.
SMS Preferences Default Settings
4. Select Yes to opt in to receiving SMS text notifications.
5. Enter the mobile phone number on which you wish to receive SMS messages in XXX-XXX-XXXX format.
6. Click Activate.
7. A six-digit activation code will be sent to the phone number entered above. This code is valid for 20 minutes.
8. Enter the activation code in the field provided and click Validate.
SMS Preferences: Validate Activation Code
9. Upon validation of the activation code, all notification preferences will be selected by default. Please review the list and deselect those notification you do not with to receive.
SMS Preferences: Selected Notifications
10. Click Save.
this time, hospital staff members may also opt-in to receive a notification
when there is a staffing need
and/or a staffing need with
critical pay. Please note that staffing needs notifications will be
activated as part of a future enhancement.