Associate Pay Codes with Shift Codes

Access:  Users assigned the Department - Change permission. By default, the following roles are assigned this permission: Director, Facility AdministratorFacility Coordinator and higher.


Each Pay Code must be associated with an existing Shift Code. Other edits may be required based on facility requirements.

Actual Start Time and Actual End Time for a shift must be communicated correctly to Time/Attend in order for reports to track accurately.

View Department: Shifts Actual Start time & End Time

To assign Each Pay Code to an existing Shift Code:

  1. Go to Departments > Shifts.
  2. Click a shift Code to edit.

View Department Shifts Page

  1. The Edit Department Shift page displays the settings for the selected shift code.
  2. In the Start Time and End Time fields, enter the PAID start time and end time for the shift, not including the meal break.
  3. Select a Meal Break time for all shifts greater than or equal to 6 hours.
  4. Offset Option - If an employee must clock in prior to the department's summary time, enter an offset value before the summary time. For example, select an offset of 15 minutes and Before if the employee must clock in at 6:45 for a summary time that begins at 7:00. This is useful when there are summary times for a 7AM - 7PM shift to prevent having to build a shift summary time for 6:45, which could cause issues for other shift employee's time and how it is counted.




The screenshot shows a 7am to 7pm shift that actually starts at 6:45 am.

This shift requires the following:

  • Offset of 15 minutes before the entered Start Time.
  • Meal Break of 30 minutes.

The Actual Start Time and Actual End Time appear in all areas where shift times already appear, such as: the schedule shift list, printed Schedule, and Daily Roster.

  1. Select the Pay Code from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Save.

The View Departments list shows the Actual Start Time and Actual End Time adjusted for the defined Meal Time and Offset.

Pay Codes Assigned to a Shift



      Facility Scheduler