7-Day Staffing View

Access: Users assigned the Staffing Dashboard - Read Only or Staffing Dashboard - Full Access roles.

The Aggregated Skills Dashboard provides actionable staffing data for selected dates and summary periods. By clicking on icons and summary periods, various staffing activities can be completed such as printing the daily roster, editing staff assignments, texting employees, and requesting contract labor resources. 

A new dashboard, the 7-Day Staffing View, allows staffers and management to view metrics, staffing levels, and premium labor usage for a selected seven-day period. The 7-Day Staffing View is accessed from the navigation bar in the Aggregated Skills Dashboard (Dashboards > Staffing Dashboard). 


7-Day Staffing View Tab


Video Learning 

Learn more about the Staffing Dashboard with 7-Day View.

    7-Day View in the Staffing Dashboard   



Filters allow the user to select facilities, service lines, and departments to view. Filter selections are determined by the user’s access. The filter Starting Date defaults to tomorrow’s date. Skills are based on the skill groups displayed on the Aggregated Skills Dashboard rather than individual skills. You can choose up to 3 skill groups.

If a Summary Period is not selected, the results will display staffing data for the entire day.


7-Day View Filter Options


You can also choose to Show Premium Labor and either 14-day or 7-day rolling averages for the Product Index (PI). The default selection is the rolling 14-day average.

Click Apply Filters to view staffing data for the selected criteria.


Staffing Data

Staffing data and metrics display based on the selected filter criteria. The 7-day range displays above the staffing grid. Click the forward and back arrows to move to the next week or to the previous week.

The default view displays staffing variance (Target - Actual = Variance). To view actual head count, click the Show Actual toggle in the header. 


7-Day Staffing View


Reminder: If a summary period is not selected as filter criteria, staffing variances display for the entire day.

The 7-day view includes metrics such as the Productive Index, which is the number of target hours divided by the number of actual hours x 100. Productive Indexes under 100% indicate over staffing.

Other metrics include:


Percent Days Calculations

Several factors are considered when calculating the % Days metrics. 

(# Days < 95% PI / 23 Days)100

(# Days > 115% PI / 23 Days)100


Filter Criteria and Metrics


To view department data, click the plus symbol in the Service Line column. This view displays staffing variance by selected skill groups.


7-Day Staffing Department View


Color Coding

Color Codes are used to provide visual cue for both metrics and staffing levels

Metrics Red Yellow Green
% Days < 95% PI > 5% 0 - 5% 0%
% Days > 115% > 5% 0 - 5% 0%
Productive Index < 100% or  > 110% 100% - 104% or 106% - 109% 105%


Daily staffing variance follows the same color coding as the Aggregated Skills and Staffing Dashboards:
Yellow = Overstaffed      White = Zero Variance   Red = Understaffed


Premium Labor

If the Show Premium Labor option is selected on the Filter screen, additional columns display in the table. Click a cell in the Premium Labor column to view detailed premium labor shift data such as employee types, the number of shifts scheduled for that day as well as the names of employees who have had a shift cancelled within the past 90 days. The premium labor breakdown only displays at the service line level for the entire day. It is not specific to the summary period. 


7-Day Staffing View with Premium Labor (Partial View)



      Facility Scheduler