Change an Assignment

To change an Assignment:

  1. Go to Schedule > Browse Schedule.
  2. If the shift is a Charge shift:
    1. Set the Charge filter to Yes.
    2. Select the Charge check box.
  3. Select a scheduled cell:
  4. For the current department - not more than the designated number of editable days in the past (typically 30).
    1. Replace the existing shift code by typing a NEW productive shift code into the selected cell and press TAB.
    2. Or, select a productive shift from the shift list, and do one of the following:
      1. Schedule by mouse-click: Hold down the CTRL key and click a scheduled cell to replace the existing shift code with the selected code.
      2. Schedule by pressing the ENTER key: After you enter the shift code once, you can press TAB or click to select a scheduled cell and then press the ENTER key.  The selected shift code appears in upper-case regular text.


Department Schedule Shift Code Drop-down

Additional Information

Cancel Shift - Schedule Browse Screen

Edit Shift - Schedule Browse Screen

Modify Shift - Schedule Browse Screen


      Facility Scheduler